Disrupting Our Practice Free* Introductory Workshop

August 1st or 8th, 4:00 - 5:30 pm PT

Does the idea of being confronted with the “charge of race” in the midst of a meeting, workshop, or retreat leave you feeling frozen? Unable to imagine how you would proceed?

For us white-bodied consultants, coaches, facilitators, leaders, etc., this can feel like our worst nightmare. 

But for our colleagues-of-color, this is the day-to-day reality.

If we’ve learned anything over the past few years, it’s that as white-bodied folks, we need to be prepared to step into these conversations. They are, afterall, around us even when we don’t realize it.

We believe that it’s important for white-bodied folks to be in this work together, which is why we have spent the last three years creating programs designed to create community around conversations about race. 

When we come together to do this work, we can build community—and networks of support—that help us grapple with the aspects of anti-racism work that can feel beyond our reach, and outside of our understanding.

Please join us for this free workshop that is an introductory taster to our full program Disrupting Our Practice: Understanding Whiteness.

This workshop is for anyone working in the Organization Development field as a coach, consultant, facilitator, or trainer, as well as for organizational leaders. Really, it’s for anyone holding, facilitating, and controlling space where people are doing their work.

In this workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Slow down and feel into what makes talking about race so hard;

  • Learn a tool to support you in processing what makes it hard (and that you can use in your work to help move conversations forward);

  • Name the obstacles you sense within yourself in a judgment-free zone;

  • Explore the primary driver of what keeps white-bodied folks from stepping more directly into these conversations; and

  • Get a taste of—and a feel for—the full 9-week Disrupting Our Practice program.

* Is this really free?

Well, yes. We aren’t charging anything for this workshop. That said, we are asking that folks make a donation to a BIPOC-led organization of their choice. While we want to give folks an opportunity to get a taste of our longer program for free, we also want to recognize that it’s important to invest in communities of color, and the organizations that support them. In our paid programming, we always make a contribution of 20% of all earnings to a BIPOC led group. In lieu of that, we are asking for participants in these workshops to make a contribution that feels good to them.

Feel drawn to the workshop yet also unsure? Schedule a complimentary 20-minute call with one of us.

Who we are

Co-Facilitator: Shannon Patterson (she/her) When Shannon founded Connection Works in 2011, she felt a calling to help stop workplace practices that diminish and disregard people’s humanity. However, at that time, anti-racism work was not a part of her work. In 2016, Shannon realized she couldn’t meaningfully address her calling without it, marking the beginning of her anti-racism and anti-oppression learning journey. She has worked with Anna-Brown Griswold, Reverend angel Kyodo williams, and Holistic Resistance (HR), read voraciously, and joined community to better understand how whiteness and racism lives in her. In summer 2020, Shannon created Women Connecting: Understanding Whiteness in response to the white women in her life who called seeking support in making sense of what unfolded in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. In February 2021, she completed HRs 6-month facilitation training and is currently in direct communication with them around this program to maintain accountability.

Co-Facilitator: Gregory Flynn (he/him) created Men Connecting: Understanding Whiteness in the fall of 2020. I work as a coach, facilitator, and supporter of humans. While I have had a deep commitment to social justice for most of my life, I began to realize that I had a lot to learn when it came to race and racism about three years ago. Since then, I have done workshops and programs (including with Anna-Brown Griswold, Reverend angel Kyodo williams, Robin DiAngelo, and Holistic Resistance), read voraciously in order to better understand how whiteness lives in me, and joined community (Wake Up Seattle) to be in ongoing relationship around ending racism. It is important to me to be in accountability in my anti-racism work. To that end, I continue to work with the excellent folks at Holistic Resistance (HR) to learn about how whiteness lives in me and where my blind spots are. In February, 2021, I completed the six-month facilitation held by Holistic Resistance. In addition, I am in direct communication with them around this program so as to maintain my accountability. If you want to learn more about my other work, check out my bio here.